Jennings Grand Master compound bow - Sudbury - Sporting goods, Sudbury - 1553916


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Jennings Grand Master compound bow - Sporting goods

Ref. number: 1553916 Updated: 27-10-2013 02:01

Price: 750 CAD $

Offering: Sporting goods in Canada, Sudbury

Jennings Grand Master Compound bow, 50-70 lb draw @ 30", CNC machined riser, carbon fibre limbs, wrist strap, whisker biscuit arrow rest with extra buscuit, limb savers, string whispers, 2 counter balances, peep sight, nock stop, wrist strap trigger release, tree hook, extra string whispers, pack of slick tip field points, 3 and 4 blade braodheads, 12 x weave 300 carbon fibre arrows, clip on riser quiver holds 6 arrows, hip quiver, Plano hard case, extra haul up string and a trophy ridge 5 pin vertical in line sight with fibre optic color coded pins and a dawn and dusk pin illuminator light. Almost new condition and very rare and sought after jennings model. The bare bow sells for around $750 new. I have about $1500 in to it with all the options and equipment.

Contact information
First name: Palle
Last name: Knudsen
Phone number: 705 421 0011
Mobile number: 289 383 0157
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